Showing posts with label Psychology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psychology. Show all posts

Dream Psychology / Sigmund Freud

Title: Dream Psychology (Psychoanalysis for Beginners) 
Author: Sigmund Freud
Subjects: Psychology

In Dream Psychology Dr. Sigmund Freud shares his exciting early discoveries that there was indeed a connection between his patients' dreams and their mental disturbances. Sigmund Freud was one of the first people to examine dreams seriously and interpret them in the context of our waking lives. This book is indeed one of the foundation stones of Freudian psychoanalysis and marked a water-shed in the attitude towards dreams. A must read for psychology students.

The Analysis of Mind / Bertrand Russell

Title: The Analysis of Mind 
Author: Bertrand Russell
Subjects: Psychology; Philosophy

One of his most influential and exciting books, Russell presents an intriguing reconciliation of the materialism of psychology with the anti-materialism of physics. This book established a new conception of the mind and provided one of the most original and interesting externalist accounts of knowledge.

Dream Psychology / Sigmund Freud

Title: Dream Psychology (Psychoanalysis for Beginners) 
Author: Sigmund Freud
Subjects: Non-Fiction; Psychology 

Sigmund Freud explains human behavior. One of his focus areas was dream analysis. In this book he use his method psychoanalysis to understand dreams. It is one of great work on psychology. Must read for psychology students and people who want to understand human mind. 

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