Showing posts with label Lucy Maud Montgomery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lucy Maud Montgomery. Show all posts

Anne of Green Gables / Lucy Maud Montgomery

Title: Anne of Green Gables 
Author: Lucy Maud Montgomery
Subjects: Classic; Children; Fiction

It is about adventures of Anne Shirley, an 11-year-old orphan girl, who is mistakenly sent to two middle-aged siblings, Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, who had originally intended to adopt a boy to help them on their farm. The novel recounts how Anne makes her way through life with the Cuthberts, in school, and within the town.

The Alpine Path: The Story Of My Career / Lucy Maud Montgomery

When the Editor of Everywoman's World asked me to write “The Story of My Career”, I smiled with a little touch of incredulous amusement. My career? Had I a career? Was not--should not--a “career” be something splendid, wonderful, spectacular at the very least, something varied and exciting? Could my long, uphill struggle, through many quiet, uneventful years, be termed a “career”? It had never occurred to me to call it so; and, on first thought, it did not seem to me that there was much to be said about that same long, monotonous struggle. But it appeared to be a whim of the aforesaid editor that I should say what little there was to be said; and in those same long years I acquired the habit of accommodating myself to the whims of editors to such an inveterate degree that I have not yet been able to shake it off. So I shall cheerfully tell my tame story. If it does nothing else, it may serve to encourage some other toiler who is struggling along in the weary pathway I once followed to success.

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