Showing posts with label Henry B. Fuller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Henry B. Fuller. Show all posts

Toward Childhood / Henry B. Fuller

Backward, O Time, and for a single hour
Make a small child of him who stands before us 
At the advanced age of seventy-five—
Leander M. Coggswell, multimillionaire.

In days when gross wealth drugs the very atmosphere,
It would be vain to guard these present lines from its insidious approach.
Shall I seem to overdo
If I give Mr. C. one hundred millions?
Very well; they're his.

Postponement / Henry B. Fuller

When Albert F. McComb 
Died in his native Dodgetown 
At the age of sixty-odd,
People said--the few who said anything at all--
That he had lived a futile life, 
And that Europe was to blame: 
His continual hankering after the Old World 
Had made him a failure in the New.

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