The Inheritance / D.H. Lawrence

Since you did depart 
Out of my reach, my darling, 
Into the hidden, 
I see each shadow start 
With recognition, and I 
Am wonder-ridden. 

I am dazed with the farewell, 
But I scarcely feel your loss. 
You left me a gift 
Of tongues, so the shadows tell 
Me things, and silences toss 
Me their drift. 

You sent me a cloven fire 
Out of death, and it burns in the draught 
Of the breathing hosts, 
Kindles the darkening pyre 
For the sorrowful, till strange brands waft 
Like candid ghosts. 

Form after form, in the streets 
Waves like a ghost along, 
Kindled to me; 
The star above the house-top greets 
Me every eve with a long 
Song fierily. 

All day long, the town 
Glimmers with subtle ghosts 
Going up and down 
In a common, prison-like dress; 
But their daunted looking flickers 
To me, and I answer, Yes! 

So I am not lonely nor sad 
Although bereaved of you, 
My little love. 
I move among a kinsfolk clad 
With words, but the dream shows through 
As they move. 

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