Showing posts with label Elinor Glyn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elinor Glyn. Show all posts

Red Hair ( The Vicissitudes of Evangeline ) / Elinor Glyn

I wonder so much if it is amusing to be an adventuress, because that is evidently what I shall become now. I read in a book all about it; it is being nice looking and having nothing to live on, and getting a pleasant time out of life--and I intend to do that! I have certainly nothing to live on, for one cannot count 300 a year; and I am extremely pretty, and I know it quite well, and how to do my hair, and put on my hats, and those things--so, of course, I am an adventuress! I was not intended for this role--in fact, Mrs. Carruthers adopted me on purpose to leave me her fortune, as at that time she had quarrelled with her heir, who was bound to get the place. Then she was so inconsequent as not to make a proper will--thus it is that this creature gets everything, and I nothing!

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