Showing posts with label Aleksandr Ivanovich Kuprin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aleksandr Ivanovich Kuprin. Show all posts

To Chekhov's Memory / Aleksandr Ivanovich Kuprin

"He lived among us..."


You remember how, in early childhood, after the long summer holidays, one went back to school. Everything was gray; it was like a barrack; it smelt of fresh paint and putty; one's school-fellows rough, the authorities unkind. Still one tried somehow to keep up one's courage, though at moments one was seized with home-sickness. One was occupied in greeting friends, struck by changes in faces, deafened by the noise and movement.

The Outrage -a True Story / Aleksandr Ivanovich Kuprin

It was five o'clock on a July afternoon. The heat was terrible. The whole of the huge stone-built town breathed out heat like a glowing furnace. The glare of the white-walled house was insufferable. The asphalt pavements grew soft and burned the feet. The shadows of the acacias spread over the cobbled road, pitiful and weary. They too seemed hot. The sea, pale in the sunlight, lay heavy and immobile as one dead. Over the streets hung a white dust.

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